Wednesday 29 April 2009

the germ of an inkling of an idea

Today, I had one of the best and most fully-formed ideas of my life. My new side project combines photography, the social connectivity of the web, art, tinkering with computers and (hopefully) working with some people who I really admire. This new venture isn't about making money, it's about messing around - a bit like finger painting for grown-ups. And I am freaking over-the-moon-excited about it.

I've spent the last three hours at work grinning to myself, outwardly working on features for the magazine while inwardly cradling this absolute jewel of an idea. I'd always wondered what it felt like to have a killer concept hit you sideways, and now I know.

It felt amazing. Hopefully, more of the same soon.


1 comment:

  1. Care to share.....????
    Sounds exciting whatever it is. Lol
