Wednesday, 25 March 2009

that's better!

Well, it took me less than a month to get thoroughly fed up with Wordpress, but I did, and now I'm over here. Blogger seems to fit my needs a little bit better than "the other place". Let's hope this one's for keeps!

Yes, I do realise that what I've done is terribly unfashionable and unhip (so much so that there doesn't seem to be a single site or quick and easy way to migrate from WP to Blogger, but there are thousand of tips for going the other way) but I just couldn't shake the niggling irritation that stemmed from being totally unable to customise my site without shelling out.

Maybe I'll regret it in due course and find out what all those hipsters are on about - but for now, I'm going to settle down here and start doing my thing, properly. Anyone for tea?


  1. Welcome to blogspot! I hope it's what you are looking for. I'm quite new to it myself, and need to write in my blog more. I recently started a new blog. I'd started a blog ages ago and couldn't find it so opened a new account,... one day I accidentally logged in with the wrong user email and found my original blog. I'm so blond sometimes!!

  2. Thanks Tam! I'm so completely disorganised that I hadn't sorted out my comments, and didn't even notice that you'd written nice things on my posts - sorry!
    So far, it's definitely what I'm looking for: a lot more friendlier than Wordpress.
